Clinical Life

AMA´s clinical life program is based on improving health in the under-served communities in Dominican Republic.Through this program you will learn about the healthcare system and different issues it faces. In each sector there is a government funded “UNAP”. These government funded clinics provide all type of medical services such as nutrition, triage, labor and delivery, women´s health, dental care, pediatrician, psychology and more. Unfortunately,  these clinics have very low funding and resources. Through our program we are able to donate materials to differents clinics.

Volunteers in Punta Cana and Higuey are placed in local clinics and hospitals in groups of one to five, where they work under the supervision of medical staff. The activities in which volunteers are able to support clinic staff vary greatly depending on the needs of the community as well as the medical staff. Daily volunteer activities may include visiting patients in the community who need check-ups, giving vaccinations at a local school, teaching children about the importance of proper dental hygiene, observing doctor-patient interaction, discussing the differences between the American and Dominican healthcare systems with medical staff, assisting doctors with physical exams or learning to suture with medical students.

To supplement their clinical experience, volunteers will participate in an intensive medical skills and medical Spanish course in which they will learn how to take patient histories, record vital signs, diagnose common illnesses, practice dialogues in Spanish and perform basic physical exams. This course will enrich volunteers’ experience in the clinics as well as prepare them to work with patients during medical campaigns, where they will work with AMA staff to provide basic medical care and medication to children and families in the poorest sectors of Punta Cana and Higuey.

Spanish proficiency is not required by AMA, but it is strongly recommended. Many volunteers find that any level of Spanish comprehension will enhance interactions with patients and medical staff.